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Preserved Rose Bouquet

Present your loved one with this timeless everlasting bouquet. These bouquets are sustainable, long lasting gift or addition to home decor. Preserved roses are completely natural and will last for years, make this gift an everlasting one. Different colour of roses can be made please ask if you would like us to make you a custom order!

Come To Me - Preserved Flowers

  • 想了解我们的产品,欢迎信息询问

    For further inquiries, please contact

    010 5200 900 (WhatsApp)

  • WhatsApp us now for a free flower consultation with one of our experienced flower experts to discuss about customising your order! You can reach us on 0105200900 and our sales staff will be happy to assist you.

    If you are looking for a specific colour for your flower gifts, please do not hesitate to let us know and we can customise your bouquet or arrangement according to the special colour. You can send us a picture of the colour/shade you are looking for and our experienced florists will aim to create the perfect flower gift with the colour you have provided.

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