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这款永生金玫瑰玻璃罩是我们的独家款,我们采用了粉色系和金色作一个混搭,暗喻柔中带刚,特别适合送给性格敦厚稳重、待人和蔼亲善,对待身边的朋友非常温柔,外在虽然柔和,但内心却非常刚强并且毅力非凡、志向远大,总是在通向成功的道路上努力奋进,从不会轻言放弃的人。永生金玫瑰粉系玻璃罩款Preserved gold roses with pink pastel theme symbolizes that sometimes it’s not the strength but the gentleness that cracks the hardest shells. Gift this to who is strong with a gentle heart.Preserved gold roses with pink pastel theme pigeon jar

Preserved Gold/Rose Gold Pigeon Jar

Rose Colour: Gold
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